Saturday, May 12, 2007

Krozka-Sharpe Guitars

Paul visits the K-S Guitar workshop in Blyth, Northumberland, on Monday June 4th, just to see how the "Paul Rose-Atom Ray signature model" is progressing. Only to find out that due to cut backs, the guitar is now being made to a budget.

I have been invited by Northumbria guitar builders Joe Krozka and Dave Sharpe to get involved in the development and promotion of their new company Krozka-Sharpe Guitars. I am currently experimenting with the Atom-Ray guitar, and I must say I am very impressed so far. The guitar is an entirely new design and is handmade from start to finish, with massive attention to detail and quality. Machining is kept to a minimum, thus focusing on true guitar craftsmanship. They are quite a departure from my Fenders, but they play and sound absolutely great.

Krozka-Sharpe even design there own pickups and strings. The guitar I have has an original Krozka-Sharpe “Bomber 69” pickup fitted, which is dynamite. As well as a set of gauge 9-42 “K-S Slims”.

Joe and Dave are currently working on a special edition Paul Rose signature model, which will be ready in a few months time.

Watch this space for updates, as I plan to post more info and pics as the guitar is developed and built. In the meantime I have posted a "high res" i-tunes freindly MP3, that you can download for free. This is from an experiment with the guitar pictured using Amplitube software. You can also check out the official website, where you'll find details of the materials and techniques used to make these superb instruments, and information about the plans and aims of Krozka-Sharpe Guitars.

Atom-Ray MP3

Krozka-Sharpe Guitars official website

Thanks for looking and keep checking back.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Summertime by George Gershwin

Below is a link to "Summertime" By G. Gershwin. The chords are almost a 12 bar blues, but he wrote this little 2 chord thing that is here in the introduction of my version. I find it mesmerising and hypnotic. Such an incredible compostition, although this is just something I did by ear. I'm sure there would be a lot more to it if I could read and write music like a "proper" musician as these guys were. But still, I completely love it all the same.
